
Friday 14 June 2019

Negative Assertion

Negative Assertion is a grand name for acknowledging mistakes that you have made or actions you have committed that you regret.

Many of us react defensively when someone criticises us or some aspect of our appearance or behaviour. If your tendency is to react defensively then it may be worth trying negative assertion out for a change. When someone criticises you, instead of reacting angrily or in denial, try politely acknowledging any truth that you recognize in what they say, or if you are not sure about it ask them politely to explain further what they mean so that you can understand the comment better. If you then agree with them tell them so, or if you don't agree after they have explained then you can politely say that you don't agree whilst thanking for them for explaining.

Acting in a way which indicates you are able to listen to, and if appropriate acknowledge, criticism can help to take the heat out of difficult exchanges and lead to more productive relationships.

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